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This week's project has been writing the software for my GPIO board on my Raspberry Pi. I added this board to a case I bought for my Raspberry Pi 3+. I designed the GPIO board with a few things in mind:

  • I wanted a couple of buttons so I could do things like shutting the Pi down (it's not a good idea to just unplug the power)
  • I wanted a couple of LEDs so I could display a simple status
  • I wanted to control the fan so it wasn't on all the time, just when it was needed (like a laptop fan)
  • The piezo sounder was added because there was space - so maybe I'd be able to get the Pi to do audible notifications

[This was mainly for when I was running the Raspberry Pi headless - so there wouldn't be a screen or keyboard connected.]

This is the case with the board in it:


I followed a few articles from the internet, this one from Scott Hanselman was very useful to get me started.

Click here for more information about the board including a schematic.

Next: [Creating the solution in Visual Studio Code...][RPI-dotnet-software]